Introduction to AR: Basic Usage of Vuforia

Ali Emre Onur
3 min readJun 26, 2021


As I have stated on the previous article, rather than the Main Camera, we will be using AR camera. By selecting GameObject — Vuforia Engine — AR Camera; an AR Camera will be added to the scene. Once it is added, we can delete the Main Camera as we will not be using it.

In order to use the AR Camera, we will need to assign a target image. Once the camera detects the target image, it will enable the AR experience.

In its asset set you have imported from the Unity Asset Store, Vuforia has provided some images that can be used as an image target. Selecting an image as a marker, Unity will be able to start the AR experience.

To create an image target, click on GameObject — Vuforia Engine — Image Target.

You can also take a picture of a thing in your room/office and use it as a target image. I have used my wife’s planbook for this.

Before making use of this, you will need to create an account and get a license id from (I have got a developer one for now — you will be needing a paid license if you are going to publish an app or for commercial usage).

Once you gather your developer licence, you will need to paste it into the appropriate field in the project. Click on the ARCamera, scroll down ant select “Open Vuforia Engine configuration”.

Once clicked, you will face the field to enter the App License Key in the inspector.

Now, we are ready to test. I have placed 2 cubes in front of the Target Image in the scene view. Make sure to create the objects at a feasable scale according to the target image so that you can have a better test.

As I have tested it on the play mode, Vuforia recognizes the default computer camera by default. Once you show the target image to the camera and it recognizes it, you will realize that the objects will be appeared on the object according to your posititiong in the scene view.

And, it works:



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